Accelerate Time to Market with Pre-Engineered Nano Motion Controllers

Accelerate Time to Market with Pre-Engineered Nano Motion Controllers White Paper

Motion controllers are a vital building block in every motion control system. Also called motor controllers or servo controllers, these critical system components come in various sizes, voltage ranges, and with different types of motors. They range from compact, low voltage single-axis servo controllers to high voltage controllers that support the short-burst peak-power requirements of multi-axis applications.

Selecting the best motion controller for the application requires several factors to be considered. These factors include output power requirements, speed and range of movements, program budget, available space on the platform, and whether to build or buy.

As the demand for smaller system components grows, motion controllers must meet the dynamic requirements of critical defense applications and occupy less space than ever before.

Compact nano motion controllers that deliver up to 3 kW of power are an excellent option for many single-axis applications on SWaP-constrained platforms. They can provide the output power and functional safety features needed to precisely and reliably control the movements of a wide variety of high-speed precision drive systems.

This white paper discusses the additional benefits of nano motion controllers and compares in-house design to pre-engineered solutions.

Login and download the white paper to read more about:

  • SWaP-optimized motion controllers
  • The challenges of in-house design and manufacturing
  • The benefits of pre-engineered motion control solutions