Showing 25 - 36 of 60
Comparing CPUs and GPUs for Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence

Comparing CPUs and GPUs for Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence

Which is better for machine learning applications, 2nd Generation Intel Xeon Scalable Processors or NVIDIA’s T4? A head-to-head comparison helps explain whether you should choose a CPU or a GPU for your high-performance machine learning solution.

Choosing the Best Processor for the Job

Choosing the Best Processor for the Job

This white paper reviews popular processor architectures to help you make an informed decision when defining your electronics payload.

Optimal Multicore Processing for Safety-Critical Applications

Optimal Multicore Processing for Safety-Critical Applications

This white paper explores the performance and SWaP benefits of multicore processors and their challenges in safety-critical applications, and how to overcome them.

International Certification Authorities for Trusted Computing

International Certification Authorities for Trusted Computing

This white paper provides an overview of the international government agencies that perform security accreditation for network switches, storage devices, and ruggedized computers used in military applications.

Certification Authorities for Trusted Computing in Military and Avionics Products

Certification Authorities for Trusted Computing in Military and Avionics Products

This white paper provides an overview of certification authorities involved in Trusted Computing, explores which disciplines they oversee, and gives guidance on when to get these certification authorities involved.

Flash Memory Lifespan and Reliability

Flash Memory Lifespan and Reliability

This white paper explores types of flash memory devices, including NOR flash memory and NAND flash memory.

The Wright Data: Enhancing Aircraft System Monitoring and Reducing Unscheduled Maintenance

The Wright Data: Enhancing Aircraft System Monitoring and Reducing Unscheduled Maintenance

This white paper discusses the problem of inefficient maintenance, lack of access to the right data, and how aircraft can be retrofitted with instrumentation to more quickly identify impending failures, rapidly repair them, and minimize aircraft downtime.

Designing a Thermally Optimal Data Acquisition Unit

Designing a Thermally Optimal Data Acquisition Unit

This white paper examines DAU heat challenges, including dissipation, and the best strategies to meet size and performance constraints without compromising data integrity with excessive heat build-up.

Optimizing PCIe® Communications through Device Lending and Multicast with Dolphin PCIe Fabric Communications Library

Optimizing PCIe Communications through Device Lending and Multicast with Dolphin PCIe Fabric Library

In the third paper in our series, we cover additional features of the Dolphin PCIe Fabric Communications Library that help minimizes latency, maximize system bandwidth, and optimize configuration flexibility.

VME Single Board Computer Upgrade Guide: 7 Simple Steps to Upgrading a VME SBC

VME SBC Upgrade Guide: 7 Simple Steps to Upgrading a VME SBC

Following the seven simple VME upgrade steps outlined in this white paper will significantly ease & speed the upgrade of your VME single board computer.

Minimizing Latency in Peer-to-Peer Communications with Dolphin PCIe® Fabric Communications Library

Minimizing Latency in Peer-to-Peer Communications with Dolphin PCIe Fabric Library

In this second white paper in our two-part series, we present several different software interfaces provided for applications development, comparing their advantages and tradeoffs. Finally, we present performance benchmarks using a variety of Curtiss-Wright.

Enhancing PCIe Communications to Eliminate Bottlenecks with Dolphin PCIe Fabric Communications Library

Enhancing PCIe Communications to Eliminate Bottlenecks with Dolphin PCIe Fabric Communications Library

We introduce the use of fabrics for high-performance embedded systems and focus on the hardware and architectural options available to the systems designer.
