Showing 1 - 6 of 6
Meeting Missile Program Upgrade Requirements with Power-Efficient, Future-Proof Transmitters

Efficient Transmitters Address New Requirements from Missile Program Upgrades

This case study describes how an organization ensured there was no transmitter interference with other onboard electronics.

Flexible and Adaptable Telemeter Systems Brochure

Flexible and Adaptable Telemeter Systems Brochure

Proven solutions for missile, sounding rocket, UAV, space vehicle, rotorcraft, and fast jet test applications.

Telemeter Overview

2021 AI Technology Workshop: Telemeter Overview

In this presentation, Paul outlines a telemeter product concept that combines modular data acquisition with transmitter and encryption functions.

Optimizing PCIe® Communications through Device Lending and Multicast with Dolphin PCIe Fabric Communications Library

Optimizing PCIe Communications through Device Lending and Multicast with Dolphin PCIe Fabric Library

In the third paper in our series, we cover additional features of the Dolphin PCIe Fabric Communications Library that help minimizes latency, maximize system bandwidth, and optimize configuration flexibility.

Minimizing Latency in Peer-to-Peer Communications with Dolphin PCIe® Fabric Communications Library

Minimizing Latency in Peer-to-Peer Communications with Dolphin PCIe Fabric Library

In this second white paper in our two-part series, we present several different software interfaces provided for applications development, comparing their advantages and tradeoffs. Finally, we present performance benchmarks using a variety of Curtiss-Wright.

Enhancing PCIe Communications to Eliminate Bottlenecks with Dolphin PCIe Fabric Communications Library

Enhancing PCIe Communications to Eliminate Bottlenecks with Dolphin PCIe Fabric Communications Library

We introduce the use of fabrics for high-performance embedded systems and focus on the hardware and architectural options available to the systems designer.
