Showing 1 - 7 of 7
Meeting Missile Program Upgrade Requirements with Power-Efficient, Future-Proof Transmitters

Efficient Transmitters Address New Requirements from Missile Program Upgrades

This case study describes how an organization ensured there was no transmitter interference with other onboard electronics.

Flexible and Adaptable Telemeter Systems Brochure

Flexible and Adaptable Telemeter Systems Brochure

Proven solutions for missile, sounding rocket, UAV, space vehicle, rotorcraft, and fast jet test applications.

Telemeter Overview

2021 AI Technology Workshop: Telemeter Overview

In this presentation, Paul outlines a telemeter product concept that combines modular data acquisition with transmitter and encryption functions.

Understand the FMC Standard and Get the Result You Want

Understand the FMC Standard and Get the Result You Want

Parallels can be drawn with the FMC format: it’s a mix and match format, but creating a successful overall solution requires the selection of the right pieces, knowing their details, and how to put them together.

FMC to FMC+: Keeping Up with New FPGAs and Analog I/O

FMC to FMC+: Keeping Up with New FPGAs and Analog I/O

As FPGAs get faster and have more I/O channels with higher resolution and larger sampling rates, is the FMC standard able to cope? If is able to adapt for the future? Download the free white paper.


How Does the FMC (FPGA Mezzanine Card) Standard Measure up Against the PMC/XMC Format White Paper

Interest in reconfigurable embedded computing in the defense and aerospace market has grown significantly as new generations of FPGAs present developers with a level of processing performance and potential I/O bandwidth that cannot easily be matched by conventional CPU configurations.

Interoperability Considerations Between Different Host FMC and FMC Mezzanine Vendors White Paper

In the same way as one might strip out unnecessary weight in a car aimed for racing, the FMC is a performance solution that strips away unnecessary generic interfaces for direct FPGA driven I/O. But that requires knowledge to achieve the desired performance and to ensure the host and FMC module will work well together. This paper outlines some of the considerations in order to assess and the ensure that the host and module will integrate.