Showing 1 - 9 of 9
TrustedCOTS and Enhanced TrustedCOTS for Trusted Computing

TrustedCOTS and Enhanced TrustedCOTS for Trusted Computing

TrustedCOTS™ and Enhanced Trusted COTS technologies use an OSA for embedding security, enabling customers to leverage S-SOTA technologies.

COTS Boards Brochure

COTS Boards Brochure

COTS products and open-architecture solutions for mission computing, signal processing, graphics, communication fabrics, system and sensing I/O, and data storage.

vetronics solutions

Vetronics Solutions Brochure

Intel Architecture COTS Products Brochure

Intel Architecture COTS Products Brochure

Maximizing Processing Power in SAR Applications

Maximizing Processing Power in SAR Applications

A customer building the next generation synthetic aperture radar (SAR) faced challenges in delivering an enormous amount of processing power in a compact, lightweight solution. Read about the solution Curtiss-Wright developed here.

Rugged CameraLink using Xilinx Kintex-7 FPGA

Rugged CameraLink using Xilinx Kintex-7 FPGA

Curtiss-Wright was recently challenged to provide a direct CameraLink interface to a Kintex-7 FPGA without the need for ChannelLink transceivers, thereby allowing an existing “generic” digital FPGA solution to be used. Read about the solution we developed.

Reducing Development Time for High-Speed Embedded Data Collection

Reducing Development Time for High-Speed Embedded Data Collection

High-performance storage solution for use on UAV with a minimum of 1TB of secure storage capacity to capture and store data and video from a variety of sensors.

Pods: Bridging the SWaP-constrained Gap Between Old and New

Pods: Bridging the SWaP-constrained Gap Between Old and New

A customer approached Curtiss-Wright with a requirement of upgrading to modern COTS hardware while keeping legacy proprietary infrastructure. Read about the SWaP solution Curtiss-Wright developed here.


How Does the FMC (FPGA Mezzanine Card) Standard Measure up Against the PMC/XMC Format White Paper

Interest in reconfigurable embedded computing in the defense and aerospace market has grown significantly as new generations of FPGAs present developers with a level of processing performance and potential I/O bandwidth that cannot easily be matched by conventional CPU configurations.