Why Curtiss-Wright



We design and manufacture COTS cards, modules, subsystems, and fully integrated systems that deliver optimal, reliable performance in the harshest environments in the air, on the ground, and at sea. These dependable solutions reduce program risk by being:

Smaller - putting more technology, capabilities, and power into less space and providing higher functional density. 

Stronger - reducing the potential for environmental, hardware, software, and other vulnerabilities. 

Smarter - optimizing technologies ranging from power management to compute power and data management. 

Faster - improving the ability to respond to threats in real-time and streamlining the interface between human and machine.




We’ve invested hundreds of millions of dollars in advanced engineering and manufacturing facilities to ensure we are world leaders in every aspect of design, manufacturing, and packaging:

Proven ruggedization processes ensure our solutions withstand extreme temperatures, shock, vibration, and environmental hazards. 

Solutions based on open standards simplify integration and upgrades, reduce program risk, and lower program costs. 

Conformance to safety standards and reusable design artifacts allow us to meet unique requirements, reduce certification risks and project costs, and accelerate time to market. 

Expanded security measures include rigorous supply chain processes that protect the integrity of all components on every module, subsystem, and system.