PacStar 400-Series End-of-Life Policy

PacStar 400-Series EoL Policy
PacStar 400-Series End-of-Life Policy


Every product goes through a life cycle from concept to implementation to product release and ultimately to end-of-life (EOL). The triggers that cause a company to consider terminating a given product vary widely and can be a combination of factors, such as reduced market demand, cost pressures, material shortages, and required components themselves going EOL. Regardless of the cause, it is a reality for every product. To this end, Curtiss-Wright's policy detailed below addresses the EOL transition for the PacStar 400-Series product line.


The PacStar 400-Series EOL Policy applies to all hardware and services associated with the PacStar 400-Series product line, including all chassis, module, and sled products. This policy applies to all PacStar 400-Series products sold on or after January 1, 2020.

The End-of-Life Policy

End-of-Life Milestones
The EOL process follows a standard set of milestones that are designed to allow customers the time required to plan for product termination and find alternate solutions without creating operational impacts.

End-of-Life Notification
The first milestone in the EOL process is the notification of the initiation of the End-of-Life (EOL) process for a given product. Typically, PacStar will issue an EOL notification six months prior to the End-of-Sale date. The notification will include the End-of-Sale date, as well as the schedule for the remainder of the EOL milestones for that product.

End-of-Sale Date
This is the date after which no new sales for the specified product will be accepted. Product support continues beyond this date.

Last Support Attach Date
This is the last day that additional support contracts may be purchased for the affected products.

End-of-Support Date
This is the date after which all support activities for the specified product will end. This date is guaranteed to be at least five years after the End-of-Sale date. Any existing maintenance/support contracts will be honored, even if they extend beyond the End-of-Support date. During the time between the End-of-Sale date and the End-of-Support date, we will continue to provide RMA and Technical Assistance for the affected product.

PacStar Product Notification

Notification ID:   PN 2020-001
Release Date: 10/19/2020
Models Affected:
  • PS451-1258 (all models)
  • PS455-1258 (all models)
  • PS451-4330 (all models)
  • PS451-4700 (all models)
Purpose of Notification: Change in Lifecycle Status