Data Capture for FTI

Aerospace Testing International

Published in Aerospace Testing International

New commercial and military aircraft production is preceded by extensive flight tests to prove the performance of the aircraft and its sub-systems. The Developmental Test (DT) and Operational Test (OT) stages are conducted via a suite of sensors installed to measure physical parameters and monitor the command and response messages between the sub-systems. Later, during operation, the aircraft may also need to collect data from onboard sensors. On-board recorders are used to capture multiple hours of data from the Flight Test Instrumentation (FTI), sensor suite, and aircraft avionics buses for post-test or post-flight download and analysis on the ground.

DT doesn't always require the aircraft's full suite of sensors and other permanently fitted sub-systems, which means there is usually adequate space for mounting the FTI, including the recorders. In contrast, during OT and operations, the complement of permanently fitted sensors and sub-systems will be installed, severely limiting the amount of space and mounting locations available for the FTI and on-board data recorders.

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