Showing 17 - 24 of 57

Making Ethernet Deterministic: Time-sensitive Networking for Digital Backbones

TSN is a set of standards and capabilities that enable hard real-time use cases over standard Ethernet networks.

Military & Aerospace Electronics

Energy Storage for Military Applications Faces Demands for More Power

Mobile electronics for the battlefield go hand-in-hand with batteries, and have done so for years. It’s not news that electronics that can’t be plugged-in relies on the energy-storage medium of batteries.

Military Embedded Systems

Secure Wireless Communication Supports Mounted and Dismounted Connectivity

Secure wireless communications (SWC) technology for vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) and vehicle-to-end user device (V2E) communication is useful for tactical environments as it improves network flexibility and operational maneuverability while reducing management complexity and cost.


Strength in Numbers

CESMO and the Power of EW Interoperability - knowing the precise location of threats and friendly forces is essential to increasing warfighter survivability.

Milsat Magazine

Secure Wireless Solutions for Tactical, Expeditionary, + Deployable Communications

U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) tactical/expeditionary networking and command post programs have widely acknowledged the critical need to improve mobility.

military embedded systems

Meeting Program Schedules in a Time of Supply-chain Uncertainty

These days, program managers are trying to figure out how best to mitigate the potentially harmful effects of supply-chain disruption, while protecting their customer’s program schedule and supporting the warfighter.

aerospace & defense Review

Protecting and Analyzing Data from Unmanned Platforms at the Edge of the Battlefield

A key driver for the use of unmanned platforms is their ability to collect data without putting warfighters in harm's way.

military embedded systems

SAVE this Space: Defining the C5ISR Space for Army Vehicles

To lower the cost and help speed the pace of technology upgrades for C5ISR [command, control, computers, communications, cyber, intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance] systems on Army vehicles, the U.S. Army’s Program Executive Officer (PEO) for Ground Combat Systems (GCS) has issued an Interface Description Document (IDD).
