A Brighter Palette of Options Using VPX

vpx, vita 67

 When developing a new system, particularly if it involves an unfamiliar board format, simple questions are asked.

Can I use a COTS format solution? Which format? Can it solve problems x, y and z?

Sometimes there is a good starting point; For example, VPX is a rugged, widely supported solution for high speed serially connected fabrics. But what about when used in an RF IO solution or when using very high power? What are my options?

The evolution of a family related specification, such as VPX, can occur over many years and often starts out as solving an emerging problem one challenge at a time. This is great, but can be confusing as often just one piece is reviewed at a time, rather than the more informative big picture.

VPX is a little like this.

Now as issues like cooling are becoming more challenging and ruggedization systems are looking for more elegant solutions, it is useful to take a step back and survey the ecosystem of VPX and specifications that can be applied to VPX. VPX has a very rich palette including what was once considered exotic technology, but now mainstream. VPX has options such as VITA 48.x for higher performance cooling needed for higher heat density requirements, parallel specifications such as VITA 67 for RF IO via the backplane for highly maintainable, elegent solutions, and VITA 47 to ensure very robust test regimes. Now is a good time to see what VPX and its related capabilities have to offer – and why.

Functionality, higher power and smaller spaces creates system challenges image