The Technical Challenges of Developing Effective and Reliable A-PNT Solutions

Position, Navigation and Timing

Designing and developing an Assured Position, Navigation and Timing (A-PNT) solution that relies on information from multiple complementary sources and provides the same level of performance as GPS is not an easy task. From a design and engineering perspective, there are, quite literally, a lot of moving parts to consider and combine to arrive at a PNT truth.

In addition, solutions must be easy to integrate into the existing available space on the ground-, air-, and water-based platforms. And they must provide reliable positioning information in GPS-degraded environments where tall buildings, heavy foliage, and underground positions can affect signal quality, as well as in GPS-denied environments where adversaries have intervened to jam or compromise GPS signals.

The following summaries provide a brief overview of just a few of the technical challenges involved in developing effective and reliable A-PNT solutions.

Position, Navigation, Timing

Figure 1: Assured Positioning, Navigation, and Timing (A-PNT)