Why Partner with Curtiss-Wright for DO-254 Safety-Certifiable Avionics Systems

DO-254 avionics

For systems integrators working on programs with stringent requirements, one of the benefits of integrating safety-certifiable airborne electronics hardware (AEH) is the peace of mind that comes from knowing that major component certification requirements have already been addressed. However, to ensure that peace of mind is maintained and the certified system gets to market in the required timeline, it’s critical to partner with a safety-certifiable hardware vendor that understands where and how their efforts fit into the overall process.

System integrators partner with Curtiss-Wright to obtain the safety-certifiable building blocks, certification artifacts, and third-party partnerships needed to jump-start development and get complete, certified avionics systems to market faster. Curtiss-Wright offers the broadest portfolio of safety-certifiable commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) modules, including single board computers (SBCs), graphics and video, and I/O modules.

Example Safety Cert Systems



The Curtiss-Wright SPIRIT series of safety-certifiable avionics computing and graphics platforms is a key example of the benefits that Curtiss-Wright brings to avionics system integrators.