Showing 33 - 40 of 184
MiTSPI nTTU-2600 Miniature Network TSPI Stack

Curtiss-Wright Introduces Miniature Network Tactical Time-Space Position Information System for Highly Accurate navigational, IMU, and GPS Data

New compact MiTSPI nTTU-2600 captures and records positional data for flight test, missile test, and hypersonics test programs

Faster Than A Speeding Aircraft: Advances in Flight Test Telemetry

Faster Than A Speeding Aircraft: Advances in Flight Test Telemetry

Telemetry is critical for the aviation industry to deliver new products. It’s a key asset to aerospace research, testing and FAA certification.

Industry News

Curtiss-Wright Honored to Host Tri-Service Open Architecture Interoperability Demonstration TIM & Expo

Curtiss-Wright has announced that it is serving in the honored role of Distinguished Host for the Tri-Service Open Architecture Interoperability Demonstration (TSOA-ID) TIM & Expo being held March 15 at the Solomons Inn Resort, Marina, MD.

military and aerospace electronics

Embedded Computing Enclosures go Standard, and go Small

Industry standards and guidelines such as MOSA, SOSA, CMOSS, SAVE, and FACE are driving the latest developments in enclosures, chassis, and backplane databuses, as small for factors are ready to take center stage.

Microwaves & RF

What You Need to Know About the Telemetry Network Standard

The TmNS is an emerging technology for the major flight-test ranges in the U.S. By allowing for bidirectional data and control, this upgraded ground infrastructure is a significant step forward for the flight-test community.

Curtiss-Wright Honored for Sustained Excellence by Northrop Grumman Aeronautics Systems (NGAS) Delegation Program

Curtiss-Wright Honored for Sustained Excellence by Northrop Grumman Aeronautics Systems (NGAS) Delegation Program

As a Northrop Grumman Delegated Partner, Curtiss-Wright can now act on behalf of NGAS in conducting final acceptance of specified FTI products

Military Embedded Systems

The Relative and the Absolute: A MOSA Path to Complementary Position, Navigation, and Time Information for GPS

The use of a modular open systems approach (MOSA) will benefit the effort to integrate alternative position, navigation, and timing (PNT) technologies into platforms.

Military Embedded Systems

Securing Telemetry Data with Commercial Encryption Standards Article from Military Embedded Systems

Telemetry data from military flight tests often needs to be secured, not only when at rest, but also while in motion across a network or a telemetry link.
