Showing 121 - 128 of 282
Curtiss-Wright Receives EASA Certification for Imaging Multi-Purpose Flight Recorder

Curtiss-Wright Receives EASA Certification for Imaging Multi-Purpose Flight Recorder

Imaging flight recorder, cockpit area camera, cockpit area microphone, and imaging cockpit control elements receive EASA Technical Standard Order.

flight data recorder

Build or Buy: The Strains of Designing a Flight Recorder

Designing a flight recorder (FR) that complies to international standards and crash survivability is very challenging and more expensive than buying one.


Is the CSfC Program Growing?

The Commercial Solutions for Classified (CSfC) program established by the National Security Agency in 2014 has been growing since its inception

Military & Aerospace Electronics

What 5G Means to the Military

5G wireless communications is expected to move voice, video, text, and image data with bandwidth as fast as 300 GHz to create data on demand for the battlefield.

flight recorder airplane

Types of Flight Recorders and How to Choose the Right One

Commercial airlines often use two types of flight recorders – a flight data recorder (FDR) and a cockpit voice recorder (CVR) – for different functionality.

Military Embedded Systems

Accelerate Open Standard Adoption to Drive Warfighter and Weapon-system Effectiveness

An optimized investment on a leading program for the greater good of the warfighting enterprise will enable the technology breakout and multidomain convergence essential to increasing warfighter and weapon-system effectiveness for the collective national defense.


The Case for Distributed and Remote Management of Open Standards-Based Tactical Networks for Vehicles

To exploit the potential benefits of new technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), robotics, video analysis, Internet of Things (IoT), augmented reality and virtual reality, and other innovative technologies on mobile platforms at the tactical edge, Department of Defense (DoD) communications programs must effectively deploy advanced IT infrastructure, connectivity, and compute resources.

Data-at-rest encryption

Planning to Export Data-at-Rest Storage with Encryption?

If you are developing a deployed vehicle, then you’re likely considering including a device to securely store classified, or at least sensitive, data.
