Showing 41 - 48 of 122
Military & Aerospace Electronics

Simulation and Mission Rehearsal Relies on State-of-the-Art Computing

Artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning, and virtual reality are becoming essential parts of today’s military simulation and mission rehearsal to keep warfighters on the cutting edge.

Curtiss-Wright Updates Network Enabled Weapons (NEW) Support for Link 16 for the TCG BOSS TDL Network Simulator and Exerciser System

Curtiss-Wright Updates Network Enabled Weapons Support for Link 16 for the TCG BOSS TDL Network Simulator and Exerciser System

The TCG BOSS TDL network simulator and exerciser support NEW messages and protocols for Link 16 to speed and lower the cost of testing, emulation, and simulation of smart weapons.

Data-at-rest security

White Paper Series: Data-At-Rest Encryption

The Data-At-Rest Encryption Series white papers provide background information, technical details, and a methodology for selecting a data-at-rest (DAR) security approach.

Military & Aerospace Electronics

The Future of Artificial Intelligence and Quantum Computing

Size, weight, power consumption, and cooling technologies today block quantum computing from the embedded world, but new generations should yield advances in artificial intelligence and computer security.

Trusted Computing Aerospace

White Paper Series: Trusted Computing for Aerospace and Defense

We examine the technologies and trends protecting today’s critical systems from cybersecurity and physical threats.

TCG HUNTR TDL Hub and Network Translator

Curtiss-Wright Successfully Demonstrates TCG-HUNTR Tactical Data Link (TDL) Hub and Network Translator During Timber Express 2020

German Air Force’s Fourth Annual TDL Exercise provides an opportunity to highlight the capabilities of TCG-HUNTR intelligent TDL translation gateway.

Military & Aerospace Electronics

New Frontiers in Real-Time Software

Efficient execution is key to real-time mission-critical operating systems software, yet new demands are emerging such as safety-critical operations for avionics and other life-critical applications.

Military & Aerospace Electronics

Trusted Computing for Defense & Aerospace Article eBook

This collection of articles, originally published by Military & Aerospace Electronics, covers a variety of Trusted Computing topics such as trusted boot, cyber security, quantum computing, cryptography and more, with a specific focus on the defense and aerospace industries.
