Showing 57 - 64 of 178
Military & Aerospace Electronics

The Ever-Shrinking World of Small-Form-Factor Embedded Computing

New computer boards offer high performance, thermal management, and peripherals in a smaller size than 3U VPX, with artificial intelligence (AI) and GPGPU processing.

Military Embedded Systems

The OMFV Next-Generation Combat Vehicle: A MOSA Milestone

The U.S. Army’s recent request for proposal (RFP) from industry for its new Optionally Manned Fighting Vehicle (OMFV), the planned replacement for the venerable Bradley Infantry Fighting Vehicle, represents a true milestone for the commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) industry.

Military & Aerospace Electronics

The Evolution of Embedded Computing Chassis, Backplanes, and Enclosures

High data throughput and innovative thermal management may lead to a revolution in systems design that places the burden of electronics cooling on the enclosure more than on the card.

Defence & Security Systems Intermational

Open Standards Need Open Minds

Components used in defence applications need to be not only reliable but rugged and, increasingly, interoperable with different ground and air vehicle systems. We talk to David Jedynak, chief technology officer at Curtiss-Wright Defense Solutions, about how the company helps its clients.

Military Embedded Systems

Sensor Open Systems Architecture (SOSA): Enabling the Next Generation of Flexible and Adaptable Radar Systems

In order to keep up with the continued acceleration of new technology and to be able to protect the warfighter from the latest threats, it is essential that we can turn our deployed platforms into adaptable entities that can evolve over time and are not static. The SOSA [Sensor Open Systems Architecture] Technical Standard is the next major step in realizing this goal.

Military & Aerospace Electronics

Speed and Security for Military Data Storage

Rugged data storage systems for aerospace and defense applications are moving to new data interfaces for unparalleled speed and capacity, while trusted computing and information security are driving trends.

Military & Aerospace Electronics

High-Performance Test and Measurement Equipment Hits The Flight Line

Avionics technicians make use of oscilloscopes, spectrum analyzers, and other high-performance test and measurement instruments to ensure that sensitive RF and microwave systems are working properly.

Military Embedded Systems

Accelerate Open Standard Adoption to Drive Warfighter and Weapon-system Effectiveness

An optimized investment on a leading program for the greater good of the warfighting enterprise will enable the technology breakout and multidomain convergence essential to increasing warfighter and weapon-system effectiveness for the collective national defense.
