Showing 9 - 16 of 62
Microwaves & RF

What You Need to Know About the Telemetry Network Standard

The TmNS is an emerging technology for the major flight-test ranges in the U.S. By allowing for bidirectional data and control, this upgraded ground infrastructure is a significant step forward for the flight-test community.

military embedded systems

SAVE this Space: Defining the C5ISR Space for Army Vehicles

To lower the cost and help speed the pace of technology upgrades for C5ISR [command, control, computers, communications, cyber, intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance] systems on Army vehicles, the U.S. Army’s Program Executive Officer (PEO) for Ground Combat Systems (GCS) has issued an Interface Description Document (IDD).

Military Embedded Systems

Securing Telemetry Data with Commercial Encryption Standards Article from Military Embedded Systems

Telemetry data from military flight tests often needs to be secured, not only when at rest, but also while in motion across a network or a telemetry link.

Modular Open Systems Approach

What is a Modular Open Systems Approach (MOSA)?

The Modular Open Systems Approach directive has accelerated the adoption of a variety of Modular Open Systems Approach supporting standards, including SOSA, CMOSS, FACE, VICTORY, and GVA, by the Army, Air Force, and Navy.

nREC-700 compact flight test network recorder

Curtiss-Wright Introduces its Smallest, Fastest Flight Test Network Recorder

New nREC-700 miniature recorder captures 1TB of sensor data over dual Gigabit Ethernet ports.

Curtiss-Wright Introduces New Starter Kit System and 8-Slot OpenVPX Chassis to Speed Development of CMOSS/SOSA Technical Standard 1.0 Aligned Solutions

Curtiss-Wright Introduces New Starter Kit System and 8-Slot OpenVPX Chassis to Speed Development of CMOSS/SOSA Technical Standard 1.0 Aligned Solutions

New CMOSS/SOSA Technical Standard 1.0 aligned Starter Kit system integrates VICTORY Network, A-PNT and Intel® Xeon Processor SBC. 8-Slot CMOSS/SOSA Technical Standard 1.0 aligned 3U.

C5ISR/electronic warfare (VICTORY)

What are VICTORY and GVA?

Learn more about Vehicle Integration for C4ISR/EW Interoperability (VICTORY) and Generic Vehicle Architecture (GVA).

Microwaves & RF

Open Standards Drive Flexibility in Defense System Designs

Backed by broad support from government and industry, the release of SOSA Technical Standard 1.0 promises a new era of open standards-based system integration with flexibility and interoperability as its hallmarks.
