TEC-NOT-045 - Using the KAD/BIT/101

The KAD/BIT/101 is a continuous built-in test module that monitors the Acra KAM-500 system using window functions to ensure that it is operating correctly. This paper specifically describes window functioning, window strategy and the different outputs used to display the results of the window functions. This paper discusses the following topics:

  • “21.1 Features of the KAD/BIT/101” on page 1
  • “21.2 Defining window functions” on page 2
  • “21.3 Defining window strategies” on page 3
  • “21.4 Configuring output channels” on page 4
  • “21.5 Monitoring analog thresholds” on page 5
  • “21.6 Monitoring specific register bits” on page 6
  • “21.7 Monitoring the fullness of a KAM/MEM/00x CompactFlash® card” on page 6
  • “21.8 Monitoring the CompactFlash fault/full bit” on page 7
  • “21.9 References” on page 8