TEC-NOT-066 - Using the KAD/DEC/103

The KAD/DEC/103 is a dual PCM decommutator that can accept two independent PCM streams. Data from each stream is individually parsed into a minor frame buffer from which it can be read coherently over the backplane.

This technical note discusses the following topics:

  • “39.1 KAD/DEC/103 overview” on page 1
  • “39.2 KAD/DEC/103 in synchronous mode” on page 1
  • “39.3 Tips and troubleshooting in synchronous mode” on page 5
  • “39.4 KAD/DEC/103 in asynchronous mode” on page 6
  • “39.5 Tips for operating in asynchronous mode” on page 11