Showing 161 - 168 of 415
Military & Aerospace Electronics

Simulation and Mission Rehearsal Relies on State-of-the-Art Computing

Artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning, and virtual reality are becoming essential parts of today’s military simulation and mission rehearsal to keep warfighters on the cutting edge.

Military & Aerospace Electronics

When High-Performance Embedded Computing Meets Open-Systems Standards

SOSA, HOST, MOSA, VITA, and a host of other new and emerging open-systems industry standards are coming to bear on the most performance-demanding aerospace and defense applications.


PacStar Packs In Solutions for the U.S. DoD

PacStar has been awarded a tactical network communications contract by the U.S. Army Program Executive Office Command, Control, Communications-Tactical (PEO C3T).

Military Embedded Systems

Keeping Up To Date With CSfC Capability Packages

Since its introduction in 2014, the National Security Agency Commercial Solutions for Classified (CSfC) program has proven very effective in lowering the cost and speeding the accessibility of encryption for critical data-at-rest (DAR).

Military & Aerospace Electronics

The Future of Artificial Intelligence and Quantum Computing

Size, weight, power consumption, and cooling technologies today block quantum computing from the embedded world, but new generations should yield advances in artificial intelligence and computer security.

Military & Aerospace Electronics

The Coming Revolution in Sensor and Signal Processing

High-performance embedded computing is reaping the benefits of open-systems standards, new FPGA architectures, and artificial intelligence for never-before-seen edge computing performance.

Shephard Media

Blended Intelligence

As EO/IR sensors grow more sensitive and advanced, so mission computers must evolve to cope with the ever-increasing amount of data being produced. This brings challenges in several areas and has required a number of adaptations, according to Curtiss-Wright.

Military Embedded Systems

Leveraging Secure Commercial Routing Technology to Protect Data-in-Motion

Protecting a military platform’s secret data-in-motion as it’s routed over an Ethernet-based IP network has become significantly easier, more affordable, and faster to deploy in recent years, thanks to U.S. National Security Agency (NSA) support of commercial encryption technologies.
