Showing 289 - 296 of 415
military embedded systems

Advances in Switching Bring Rugged 1/10 GbE Networking to Embedded Platforms

We look at how the availability of 10 GbE Layer 3 switch technology will help eliminate data bottlenecks by bringing enterprise-class networking to the warfighter.

Military Embedded Systems

Cooling the Beast: Heat-Dissipation Techniques for Next-Gen Processors

We look at how newer-generation processing devices offer hugely boosted capability for military applications such as airborne data processing, shipboard electronics, and ground vehicle systems.

Military & Aerospace Electronics

The Trusted Computing Implications of Interfaces, and How They Can Influence System Performance

Steve Edwards and David Sheets explore the implications of how interfaces influence system design in trusted computing.

Connector Supplier

VITA 76.0 Solves 10G Cabling Need

The VITA 76.0 connector ensures exceptional signal integrity for high-speed interconnects over maximum cable length on (SWaP)-constrained ground, airborne, and naval platforms.

Military Embedded Systems

Bringing VxWorks Support to Intel Xeon D-based EW Systems

Denis Smetana looks at the advantages that the Intel Xeon processor D-1500 product family brings to compute-intensive embedded electronic warfare (EW) system design.

Military Embedded Systems

The State of Cyber Resiliency Metrics on Embedded Systems

We look at how the ability of an embedded system to identify, prevent, and respond to cyber attacks is defined by measuring its level of cybersecurity and cyber resiliency.

Military & Aerospace Electronics

Developing a Secure COTS-based Trusted Computing System: An Introduction

Security and trusted computing, at the end of the day, really are all about the system. While the pieces and parts, such as the individual modules, operating system, and boot software, all are important, system security is not an additive process; it can’t simply be bolted-on to make the system secure.

Military & Aerospace Electronics

Trusted Computing Article: Application Development, Testing, and Analysis for Optimal Security

We look at Trusted Computing in application development, testing, and analysis for optimal security.
