Showing 345 - 352 of 415
Military & Aerospace Electronics

Another view: COTS technology helps drive and speed innovation

We look at how COTS technology facilitates faster delivery of advanced capabilities to the warfighter in the battlefield

Military Embedded Systems

Covering the Spectrum: Meeting the Challenge of Electromagnetic Spectrum Domination

We look at the need for effective SIGINT/ELINT [signals intelligence/electronic signals intelligence]coverage of the electro-magnetic spectrum.

Military Embedded Systems

Reducing Costs and Risk While Speeding Development of Signal Processing System Development

Radar and other digital processing systems are by their very nature complex and challenging to configure.

Military Embedded Systems

Best practices for COTS supplier counterfeit mitigation

Many of the best practices for counterfeit mitigation – including methods, systems, and trend monitoring – result from participation in industry committees.

Military Embedded Systems

Asking the right questions about HPEC software development tools for radar, SIGINT, and EW applications

Tammy Carter from Curtiss-Wright Defense Solutions looks at the questions a system designer should ask when selecting tools for a High performance embedded computing (HPEC) system.

Military & Aerospace Electronics

GPGPU Processors to Help with Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Pattern Recognition

The general-purpose graphics processing unit - GPGPU for short - represents perhaps the most revolutionary leap in computer processing capability in decades for aerospace and defense applications.

Military & Aerospace Electronics

Product Focus: Military Embedded Dominated by Intel Microprocessors; NXP, Arm, Nvidia Also in Mix

Microprocessor suppliers for aerospace and defense embedded computing systems generally fall into three camps: Intel, Qualcomm NXP, and NVIDIA.

Military & Aerospace Electronics

Driving Demand for Rugged Mobile Computers

Wide-ranging military and aerospace applications demand the use of rugged mobile computers that meet a host of requirements.
