Showing 257 - 264 of 415
Military & Aerospace Electronics

Cryptography in Trusted Computing: an Introduction to Secure Hashing

Cryptography forms the foundation of many aspects of trusted computing. This article considers recent algorithms and cryptographic attacks, as well as some future directions for cryptography in deployed embedded systems.

Military Embedded Systems

Trends in COTS Embedded Networks

These trends – performance and convergence – are two of the most significant factors influencing today’s COTS networking designs.

Avionics International

Liquid Cooling: Thermally Managing Next-Generation Avionics

As aircraft embedded systems grow in complexity and the aviation industry embraces hybrid electric power, new methods of cooling are emerging to resolve thermal management and overheating challenges.

Military & Aerospace Electronics

Trends in Trusted Computing and Network Security in Aerospace and Defense Embedded Computing Applications

In a constantly evolving threat environment, where new attacks arrive virtually every day, system architects must design networks to be as secure as possible.


Protecting Top-Secret Data with NSA-Approved COTS Encryption

Paul Davis looks at the Commercial Solutions for Classified (CSfC) Program, the CSfC approval process and the benefits of being on the CSfC component list.

Electronic Design

GPU Trends: The Quest for Performance, Latency, and Flexibility in ISR Systems

Tammy Carter talks about how employing strategies such as GPUDirect, PCIe Device Lending, and implementing SISCI API can help system integrators optimize ISR solutions.

Military Embedded Systems

Optimizing Multicore Architectures for Safety-Critical Applications

Bringing the benefits of multicore processors to safety-critical systems is challenging. Read how Curtiss-Wright and Green Hills Software are up to the challenge.

Military & Aerospace Electronics

Optimizing Cyber Security and Trusted Computing on Today’s Connected Military and Commercial Aircraft

If not properly protected by taking trusted computing measures, every system on an aircraft can create a potential vulnerability. Paul Hart talks about optimizing cyber security on today’s connected military and commercial aircraft.
